I'm in Picturesque Suburbia.
I met an ex heroin addict,
I know a girl who tried to get pregnant to keep her boyfriend.
I'm in a town with the highest membership of alcoholics anonymous.
I'm in Picturesque Suburbia.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I'm a writer.
I almost Failed English at 16,
I can't spell half of what I write.
& I always carry a camera.
Apparently, I'm a writer.
I almost Failed English at 16,
I can't spell half of what I write.
& I always carry a camera.
Apparently, I'm a writer.
Apparently, I'm English.
I don't have a football team,
I know less about the British music scene than my Mexican friend,
& I drive a Jeep.
Apparently, I'm English.
I don't have a football team,
I know less about the British music scene than my Mexican friend,
& I drive a Jeep.
Apparently, I'm English.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wandering Lower Manhattan
From visiting many other state and cities,
I've quietly come to the conclusion that Richmond, Virginia is a good place to live.
Good in the sense that it's not Great and Good in the sense that you could do so much worse.
The people follow a fairly wonderful stereotype.
They are friendly, welcoming and usually only worry about Taxes, God, the next election & nowadays of course, the economy.
On the whole they have humble and contented lives.
There's always SOMETHING to do, you can complain all you like but at least Richmond has bars that stay open late and a $2 movie theater.
VCU gives Richmond the pulse that it desperately needs,
the thousands of roaming students give the place a younger face that it otherwise would easily not have.
What I'm trying to say is if you live here for a bit, you become accustomed and acclimatized to the way of life down here.
That all changes when like me, you jump in a car, plane or train and obliterate all of your small town thinking and park yourself on Lower Manhattan for a couple of days.
What's the first thing I do?
I cross a street without looking,
something that my vigilant London upbringing would never let me to do,
something that up until two years ago felt genetically programmed into me from London.
The bonus of this of course, was to see an irate taxi driver.
An experience i have not been fortunate enough to receive since playing tag and whacking wing mirrors at bad taxi drivers in London when I used to work as a bike messenger.
I was so awe struck from being back in a great city that I did nothing.
No Musuems
No Galleries
No Shops
Nothing but take in some sun and follow an impulse to start walking
Armed with a camera and 4 hours of free time I walked the streets of Soho, Tribeca, Battery Park South Ferry and Wall street, some of which were areas that I had not seen even when my parents lived in New York.
It's weird feeling to have a an entire city at your feet and choose to just wander for the day.
It still felt like the best thing to do.
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