Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The guy that asked for some Blog love

There's this guy I know back home on that small rain-infested island I come from.

His name was Ches**r. (His identity has been safely protected for purposes of future blackmail).

Ches**r is a lovely guy, when I first met him I thought he was an arrogant little whatsit, but most people look like that to me when I first meet them. He was tall, handsome and annoying. He was one of those kids that always has good skin, a smile that knocks people over, rides motorbikes and an abundance of happiness all round. I still thought he was a little shit. 

As time passed I got used to him, and eventually began to like him. It has been a long-standing trait of mine that the people that I befriend the closest start off as the opposite, so just watch out if I'm friendly to you from the start.

C**ster was the perfect example of this, however I strangely became a close friend of his when I found out he had a 70-acre farm with a swimming pool in Southern England.

Honestly though, it is rare that you meet such decent people.
it is worth noting that he surrounds himself with an equally decent group of people, except that dipshit Alex.

So on that note, here is your Long awaited Blog Love Che**er.

See you in a Month.
You'd better be counting down the days.

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