I hate guns,
or least the civilians that carry guns.
I know this has been said a million times by more than enough people,
but I'm sorry, this country has a misplaced faith in firearms.
Faith in firearms is a ridiculous notion.
You trust a weapon, a weapon that fires a projectile faster than your mind can track it.
You trust weapon that can kill your entire family before you need to replace a cartridge.
You trust a weapon to guard yourself because you let other people carry the same weapon.
You actually trust a weapon.
Have some responsibility and grow up.
There is no real threat, most people killed by firearms are killed by someone they know and usually that's an accident.
There are few or no illusive bad guys, its all in your mind.
There are few or no illusive bad guys, its all in your mind.
This week, in the town that I live in, a man was held at gunpoint and mugged, luckily he was not hurt. Gun crime happens everywhere, that is unavoidable, but it happens far less in places were the average man does not own a gun, the opportunity is not as easy to grab.
You live in relatively safe country, you don't believe that, go to 80% of the rest of the world.
Think of your family, your friends and put the bloody guns down, if you continue to stand up with an outdated irrelevant right to bear arms, then you clearly don't go out into the wider world enough and see that most people now function perfectly fine without the use of a firearm.
As far as I'm concerned, there are only a few reasons for owning a firearm.
1) You want to practice shooting targets because you hate your life and the people around you.
2) You have a small cock.
3) Your weekends are boring enough to require the shooting of beer cans and unsuspecting wildlife.
If you like firearms and you have a problem with this, then good, that is your opinion and this is mine, If you want to challenge my opinion please do.
Thank you for reading my weekly Venting.