Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Read to Children

Children are great, There aren't many more satisfying ways to start your week, than to go to a local school and read to a bunch of kids.

Our Assignment was to read to children, but I had accidently ended up volunteering to teach, or at least attempt to teach a group of kids how to use homophones.

It was the most terrifying 28 minutes of my life. I have to do presentations all the time at school in front of several classes, but nothing has scared me more than 

The only thing is I didn't know what a homophone was. I crashed out of English class when I was sixteen and I have not looked back since that day, so to get to terms with a bunch of terms that I had not heard since Elementary school was fairly tough.

So I winged it, figured it out before they knew I was stumbling and having no idea what to talk to them out.
Children are so much more aware than adults, anything at all that interests them will be pointed out to you immediately. They have far less restraints than adults and tend to ask far more questions than you do. They are still young and everything is new to them, so to stop the curiosity of a child will seriously damage their development later on in life.

That morning I learnt how nervous and shifted I can be when I am not only asked to present something, but actually pushed to leave an impression and attempt to have someone learn from me.

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